
The "Un-Schedule" as a strategy for successful time management

Podcast: "The 'Un-Schedule' as a strategy for successful time management"Host: Tim Pychyl, PhDProcrastination researcher and podcaster Tim Pychyl describes the "un-schedule," a way of planning out your week that I often use in my own life and with clients. In general, the whole series of podcasts from Dr. Pychyl are excellent.

A Graduate Student Beats Her Procrastination Challenge

A Graduate Student Beats Her Procrastination ChallengeThis is an excellent podcast from an excellent podcast series. The series is called "iProcrastinate" and is hosted by eminent procrastination researcher Dr. Pychyl.In this episode a listener describes how she has taken Dr. Pychyl's recommendations and applied them to her own procrastination. She provides a great summary of how she integrated a lot of different skills to help keep her on track when working. The whole series is worth listening to, but I found this podcast to be a particularly great summary.

NPR, The Colbert Report, & the Myth of Multitasking

Researchers continue to find that multitasking actually makes tasks take longer rather than help you be more efficient with your time. For people with ADHD it supports the importance of learning skills and strategies to help reduce distractibility and maintain focus. NPR had a recent broadcast on the topic and noted that, “Clifford Nass, a psychology professor at Stanford University, says today's nonstop multitasking actually wastes more time than it saves—and he says there's evidence it may be killing our concentration and creativity too.” for a more humorous take on the topic can watch this 5 minute video where Stephen Colbert comments on the NPR broadcast.

Attention Management – Distractions, A Three Part Series

Attention Management – Distractions, A Three Part SeriesCareer Tools PodcastWhile not targeted specifically towards adults with ADHD, these podcasts give sound advice and strategies for managing distractions in the workplace. They do a great job of making recommendations that are specific and broken down step-by-step when needed. You can play them in a pop-up window on their website (see links below) or search for “Attention Management Career Tools” in iTunes and look for the podcasts on April 3, 10, and 17 in 2009.Attention Management Part 1Attention Management Part 2Attention Management Part 3

A Procrastinators Story

By Timothy A. Pychyl, Ph.D., October 16, 2009This is an episode from an excellent podcast by Dr. Pychyl, a procrastination researcher.  Procrastination is often a part of ADHD, but it can also be present in anxiety, depression, and other conditions. I chose to highlight this podcast because he reads a few emails from listeners who describe their difficulties with procrastination.  Their descriptions are similar to many of the stories I've heard patients tell me over the years.  The link takes you to the podcast on Dr. Pychyl's website, but you can also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes.