Attention Deficit Disorder Needs Life-Long Treatment, Study SaysBy Nicole Ostrow - Oct 15, 2012"Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder doesn’t disappear as children grow older, according to a study that found harmful life-long effects that suggest treatment needs to continue into adulthood."
Scientists reveal how psychostimulant drugs work to control hyperactivity
Scientists reveal how psychostimulant drugs work to control hyperactivityPublished on February 8, 2012This article describes a 2012 study which has shed light on why stimulant medication paradoxically reduces motor activity. Stimulant medications work by increasing levels of dopamine in the brain. The researchers found that stimulating dopamine D4 receptors in the basal ganglia and thalamus (structures deep in the brain) decrease motor activity, explaining how the stimulant can have a calming effect.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: An Interview with Dr. Fazzari
Associated Content published May 24, 2010Associated Content writer Jaleh Donaldson interviews Dr. Fazzari about the symptoms and treatment of adult ADHD.
Master Your To-Do List by Dr. Fazzari
Master Your To-Do Listby Dr. Fazzari, originally published in the newsletter of AICTA short article outlining the basics of using your to do list effectively.
Learning About ADHD
Learning About ADHDA 3 minute video clip follows after a brief advertisement. The video focuses on how ADHD presents in children."Psychologist Robin Goodman tells Hannah Storm about the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, a disorder that is commonly undiagnosed.";lst;8
Women Coping With ADHD
Women Coping With ADHDA 3 minute video clip follows after a brief advertisement."Many adult women are now being diagnosed with ADHD, after surviving an isolated childhood. Susan McGinnis takes a look at three different women who are overcoming a lifetime of challenge.";lst;2
ADHD: In The Genes?
60 Minutes and WebMD report: "ADHD: In The Genes?"A discussion of the influence of genes on the development of ADHD. A 3 minute video clip follows after a brief advertisement.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Myths and Facts
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Myths and Facts (3 min, 6 sec)A discussion of the common myths associated with ADHD. A few of the mythsdiscussed include:
- Does treatment with stimulant medication lead to drug addiction?
- Is ADHD over-diagnosed?
- Does ADHD mean you are set up for a lifetime of failures?
Davina, ADHD Mom
Davina, ADHD Mom (3 min, 56 sec)The story of a mother with ADHD who was first diagnosed after her child began having attentional difficulties in school. Part 1 of a 2 part series.
ADHD Link Uncovered
ADHD Link Uncovered (1 min, 45 sec)9/29/2010The video clip follows after a brief advertisement. Scientists have recently connected a genetic mutation to ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which could double the risk for children. Dr. Jon LaPook reports on these new findings.